The Healing Touch
Due to the rapid evolution of our society, the body can finally be integrated in psychotherapy. The freeing of various body functions is considered as a therapeutical process, a way of self-affirmation and steps towards personal development.
Psycho-Somatotherapy, also known as Body Oriented Psychotherapy, uses the sense of touch as a therapeutic liberation tool and considers the body in its holistic dimension and as the starting point and reference in the awareness process, its evolution and healing.
The method is an original mix, comprising several manual technics, psychotherapeutical tools and mental healing. It helps us to get over difficult situations of the past, to reach out for our interior resources and thus, be able to manage our lives in an evolution perspective.
Other than the technical aspect of a massage, the touch is felt as a healing action and a transformer that allows to make the difference between our real needs and handicapping repeating patterns in our life.